Miniemoney finance

10 ways to make money as a Teenager

make money as a teenager

As a teenager, the desire to earn their own money grows stronger, no matter how well provided for they may be. Odds are that you received an allowance for doing things around the house for your parents as a child. If so, you have had a little experience of what earning your own money is like. If you’ve never earned money a day in your life, that’s okay! Now is the time to learn, and I’m here to help you do that.

In this article, we share TEN cool ways teenagers can earn money safely.


Starting a blog is a great way for teenagers who enjoy writing to earn some money. It may take some time to start earning money with a blog so this is better suited as a long-term project. Teenagers can write on a subject they enjoy or have good knowledge of, or just blog about their day-to-day life. With consistency, growth and monetization will be achieved in due time.


Bookish teen? Get in here. Offering tutoring services is not just a great way to earn some money, you also learn more by teaching others. Teenagers can offer lessons to juniors at school or even coursemates who may be struggling with a particular subject. Even more, money can be made by offering individual or group tutorials online or by making tutorial videos and uploading them on Youtube.


Teenagers who play online video games or enjoy watching live-streamed content can create their own live streaming via Twitch or Youtube. If you’re a great gamer and have a fun personality, you can attract a good following and ultimately monetize your content through ads.


Teenagers who are good with their hands can earn money by making and selling handicrafts such as crocheted clothing, handmade jewellery and stitched quilts. Handmade fashion items are particularly popular and can even be grown into a profitable small businesses.


Vlog stands for a video blog or video log. If you’re a teenager who enjoys being in front of a camera, a vlog may just be the best way for you to earn money. Vlogs can be monetized on platforms such as Facebook, Youtube and Snapchat.

Freelance writing

Good writer? This is for you. People sometimes need help writing statements, reports or articles. You can offer your skills to adults around you or sign up on online freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr and Upwork.


Teenagers who are good at or have an interest in computer programming can earn good money by writing/learning to write code. In an increasingly digitized world, age is truly just a number and people are willing to pay good money for your code regardless of how old you are.

Selling art

Artistic teenagers can earn good money selling their art both offline and online. Younger teenagers can start by selling their paintings or drawings to family and friends, and grow to advertise them online later. Teenagers can also accept paid commissions or sell digital art as NFTs online.


A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. If you’re a teenager who is good at capturing moments, photography is a good way to earn money. You can offer your skills to family or friends who are hosting events or advertise your service online if you’re old enough to do a gig.

App testing

Teenagers are usually very connected to the digital space so it only makes sense to earn money while at it. App testing is a good way for tech-savvy teenagers to earn some money for themselves. Platforms such as TesterWork and UberTesters are great places to start testing apps for a quick buck.

You still have time to choose a career path and start earning seriously when you become an adult. Note that it’s not just about making money, if you don’t have the right money management skills you’ll struggle with keeping the money or multiplying it.

The next step is to develop a sense of financial literacy that’ll help you manage money better and prepare you for a brighter future. Learn more about money management with the Miniemoney app on Android.

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